The patient is a 60-year-old lady who has presented recurrent HSV type 2 lesions in the gluteal fold for more than 20 years. Antiviral therapy has been shown to be only partially effective, as she takes too long to respond to the medications (acyclovir, valacyclovir, etc). Blood tests demonstrated lymphopenia with relative and absolute reduction in CD8+ lineage (NK lymphocytes). Recently, she had a severe Candida infection with oropharyngeal and genital manifestations, and we needed 15 consecutive days of fluconazol to control the infection.

Her last blood tests, during candidiasis:

Leukocytes 2,900

Lymphocytes 1,066

CD4+ 70,3% - 749 cells

NK cells 15,5% - 165 cells

Neutrophils are always normal and she has no recurrent bacterial infections.

My question: is there any medication or oral supplement that increases or improves NK lymphocytes number and function? I looked at IL-2 and TNF but they are licensed only for specific types of cancer and carry a bad profile of adverse effects.

Looking forward to hearing from specialists about adequate therapeutic options to this patient.

Kind regards,


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