As individuals, we tend to perform and act in our original ways, not being influenced by our outside world. But by the time our immediate surrounding affect the way we perform and act, we tend to function in an extraordinary manner. For example, if a carer/nurse recognised he/she is being observed by family members, he/she would behave in an extraordinary manner that would satisfy the observer. But is that the required professional ethics?
(1.) How can we effectively measure patients/clients satisfaction (customer satisfaction)?
(2.) What are the yardsticks to measure this?
(3.) Is this a function of quality and if in the affirmative, is that a standard for quality?
(4.) What are the factors affecting Satisfaction, Quality and Standard?
Many Patients, clients and their family members are sometimes becoming too demanding, when it comes to care, treatment and general assistance in Long-Term Care Facilities. My experiences from recent observations have made me to want to investigate what the factor are, that are either positively or negatively affecting Patients/Clients satisfaction. A case study being a long term care facility.