Rajkumar Rajendram I concur with you in respect to the time. But is there a possibility that the vaccine could just be a repurposed one? In which case that would cut down the development time for the vaccine!
Registering a vaccine in a country without establishing safety and efficacy of the vaccine in a double blind placebo-controlled trial should not be a news. I am surprised at too much attention given to the Russian vaccine. There are at least 15 vaccines which have undergone similar phase 1/2 trials, these could also be registered in Russia. Even any vaccine approved by the US FDA under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) should not be considered a vaccine worth taking. Unsafe and un-efficacious vaccines can do more harm to the population and will have people lose trust in vaccines.
Here is a new list of the current Top 10 COVID-19 vaccines from https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/science/coronavirus-vaccine-tracker.html BioNTech/Pfizer is the first, that is widely available and Moderna will follow soon. And then hopefully AstraZeneca soon as well. Some very good candidates are not even on the list yet (Curevac from Tübingen)