Dear colleagues

My main research work is development of infrared optical glasses.

For these glasses I use the Cr2O3-Mn2O3 colorants system. Also I consider the influence of iron oxide (it presences in glass melt as a dopant of raw materials) on spectral curve.

During my research I discovered some strange fact.

After the heat treatment (800 С during 4 minutes) glass change its spectral characteristics (picture 1: 1 - after; 2 - before heat treatment)

I guess that this effect is possible due to the follow. Due to nonstabil of colorants state and heat energy influence the manganese oxide (III) partially goes into manganese oxide (II) while part of iron oxide (II) is oxidized to iron oxide (III).

Mn2O3 + 2 FeO = 2 MnO +Fe2O3

This assumption is confirmed by the transmission increasing at 1050nm wavelength.

But I can't find any information for full confirm this theory.

How do You think this theory is true and what main points could be missed?

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