As my answer I should like note that if even the so pessimistic scenario of Universe evolution as the Big rip is correct, there are several points for investigating the further fate of Universe (contrary to popular belief about the unpredictability of physical laws in this situation). The photons, leptons, quarks and Yang-Mills (YM) fields survive Big rip. The situations with YM resembles then the one with the dilute instanton gas approximation (a well-studied in modern literature). Besides that, quarks remain massive. They cannot move with velocities greater than the speed of light. It is something for development of reasonable physics.
What is about the opinion that ''at the end of the universe, spacetime itself will be ripped apart'' (wiki). No one has repealed laws of energy-momentum conservation in Nature.
This demand that metric should be assymptotically (conformally) flat; for instance it can possess the BMS symmetry. This, in general, can give a mechanism to avert Big rip disaster.