01 January 1970 0 6K Report

Badrud: I am talking about basic physics. The discussion of photon formation is wrong. Here I want to point out some fundamental mistakes in the early definitions and show why quantum physics is fundamentally flawed.

It is said that in the atom: 1- Electrons rotate around the nucleus of the atom in a layer.


A fixed number of electrons can be placed in each layer. 3- Now, the further a layer is from the nucleus, the more electrons it can accept. 4- The electron cannot be placed between two energy circuits. 5- The more the number of electrons in the lower layer and therefore closer to the nucleus of the atom, the more energy it will have.

6- The electrons of the last layer (valence layer) show the lowest energy compared to other electrons of the atom. Therefore, separation of valence layer electrons requires less energy.

Me: The general form is wrong. The core is not an accumulation of positive charge, the layers are not an accumulation of negative charge. My core model is completely different.

Assume your model is correct.

Disadvantages:1- The reason for none of the events of your atomic model is mentioned and only the results are mentioned. But in my model, all the reasons are mentioned, for example: it is only said that the second layer has 8 electrons, but it is not possible to say why it should be 8 electrons and why 8... In your atomic model, only the news of the events are mentioned, but the reason for the occurrence of the events is not stated. Is.

But in my model: the cause of the events and the news of the events are gathered together.

2- At the beginning of the formation of the atom, a fixed number of electrons are placed in each ring.

But the number of electrons in a layer may decrease due to some events.

For example, an electron may be missing from the second ring for some reason, and the second ring has only 7 electrons.

An interesting situation occurs for this layer and for the element that happened in it, which I will explain below. The atoms of some elements in the Mendeleev table are like this.

3- In special conditions: the electron can move freely between the two layers only in the boundary region between the two layers (free region).

Proof of this: One of the great surprises is my atomic model, and its results answer many mysteries.

4- The biggest mistake: the energy of the rings has nothing to do with the number of their electrons. The energy of the rings is taken directly from the nucleus of the atom.

As the distance from the core increases, the energy of the rings increases. The last loop is different.

5- If a layer is completely filled with electrons, it does not allow new electrons to enter.

And if we introduce a new electron into that layer, the guest electron will not find a place inside the ring and cannot go around the nucleus of the atom from inside the ring. And it inevitably passes through the ring and falls on the core. And bad things will happen. . . .

Note: Before the last ring: electrons in all rings are always full. There are rare exceptions.

If the intensity of electron emission increases in the layers, it causes nuclear fission. But in a different way than you imagine. I will explain about nuclear fission.

6- The last layer: it has special conditions and 99% of the properties of the elements are specified in the last layer.

If the number of its electrons does not reach a certain limit, only the energy of this layer can be lower than the energy of the Febble layer.

7- Big flaw: if for some reason an electron goes from one ring to the previous ring or any other ring, the energy inside that electron will be zero forever. And the electron is dead. As a result, there will be no change in its energy. Even if it returns to where it came from, nothing happens to the electron's energy. I will prove it with exact calculations.

Note: My description is based on your model.

If these explanations are provided by my atomic model and I explain my calculations and formulas, everything will be digestible. You will face a new, logical and classic world.

In general: the photon theory is fundamentally wrong. Light is shaped differently. A method that matches all scientific results and optical spectra and answers all questions. The answers are in my original model.

Man's art is that he can easily play with sentences. For example, if he observes that there is a hexagon on the planet Saturn, he can come up with thousands of ways and theories for its existence. And without being logical, he forces us to believe in his theories. When his theories reach a dead end, other theories are expressed. The volume of theories becomes so large that it becomes several books. Newer formulas are developed to match the results of experiments and objective observations. Again a dead end and a new formula...!

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