On what basis what their views approved, how were they able to influence the world civilization of today and the example of people I'm talking about are HERODOTUS AND LEOPOLD VON RANKE AND MANY MORE.
Your question is far too vague to have a meaningful answer. Leopold von Ranke had a substantial influence on the foundation of the modern discipline of historical study (Anthony Grafton has written about this period and process at length). Herodotus is a pre-modern historian, like Sima Qian, or Kalhana, or Al Tabari. They did not in a direct way contribute to the modern historical discipline, rather they represent engagements people made with the past before the modern discipline developed.
I think Henri Pirenne is not part of the fathers of the Historical Discipline. Still, Pirenne changed the perception of many modern-day historians by mixing in his books, Economy, Religion, Geography, and History, which is way more informative than just writing the events, but not correlating it with what caused it, which in most Historical Events in associated with the Religion, Economy, and Geography of the events.
Also, while he was in captivity, he wrote some History Books, which have a different type of writing, which allowed the readers to not only focus on the text but also to stop reading and try to investigate more about that specific topic; For Example: "The Arabs fought with the Persians in 1069", but is written in a different way, which (In my personal experience) conducted me to investigate while reading in pages like Wikipedia, Geacron, ResearchGate, YouTube and Other Sources (Books).
His contributions are many. I recommend A History of Europe, Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe, Mohammed, and Charlemagne.
But his most significant contribution to European History is the Pirenne Thesis, which explains trade relations with Christian and Muslim states and their evolution.