Has anyone ever calculated what the total cost of the IPCC (are? Is there any literature on the amount of time that scientists have spent on the IPCC reports and the costs of transport and organisational costs?
As an estimate, it is a highly variable depending on several conditions that are difficult to be measured and predicted! Anywayi I am curious about your intention for using it! Then I might provide more constructive comment!
I think these type of harmonization processes are very valuable not just for scientific reasons but that they also create a community by making scientists converge on a similar "language". This also helps in the communication towards society. I think climate science is definitely more influential than it would have been without the IPCC.
I also believe that a this is the main problem in the field of "Beyond-GDP" (where alternatives to GDP are aimed for): there is no community and no common language. But how much does it cost to create such a community? That is why I was curious. (I am writing a book on this).
I understand that it is difficult and that there are many caveats, but has no-one ever done this? A bit surprising.
PS I don't mean how much it costs to eradicate climate change. I literally mean what the organisation, the IPCC costs. How much staff is involved, how many hours do scientists work on IPCC reports etc.
Well, I am now sure what you are looking for! Please think about a national panel intead of international one (Actually, it is debatable if they are international since they have named themselves "intergovernmental). To what degree a government can be transparent on an issue which contains strategical and hence political aspects, although it has mainlyand only been publicized as an environmental issue! And considering the involvement of several governments, looking for transparency on the processes and progress going on become just like to find your your path in maze whose patterns continuously be changed! Nevertheless, to anounce some intuitive estimates (delibarately exaggerated or discounted) can be a useful strategy to start up a hot discussion! Then somebody may come up with some numbers based on some references at least! Otherwise, the cost items you are looking for is not an issue to be debated or discussed for any government!