According to UIS data, less than 30% of the world’s researchers are women. UIS data also show the extent to which these women work in the public, private or academic sectors, as well as their fields of research. But to truly reduce the gender gap, we must go beyond the hard numbers and identify the qualitative factors that deter women from pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
A topic to the conference : The life support and health care needs of the elderly in the elderly society are growing rapidly, and under the trend of childlessness, women are thinking about their involvement in the care manpower service industry or developing products to meet the elderly consumers.
WIN means Woman Intel Network is a platform for communication, providing participants to learn from each other's experiences, build links, and create greater impact. In particular, these activities from the launch to the implementation of Intel employees in the nature of volunteer participation, such dedication and intention, showing the diversity and inclusion of women, in the technology industry also opened up more possibilities.
within the Global Young Academy, where is The Working Group “Women in Science”.
That group aims to have the voice of women scientists widely heard to reach policy and decision makers with the target of a better future for female scientists.