Dear all,

when performing measurements of soil or structure potential aimed at assessment of corrosion conditions, e.g. in presence of stray current phenomena, potential is measured by electrodes that build up an electrochemical cell with the measured medium (e.g. soil or concrete). From this the name of half cell for the electrode itself.

Various electrodes are available, but the most common are (saturated) Cu/CuSO4, Ag/AgCl, stainless steel, etc.

Potentials at room temperature can be found for the most common ones, e.g. CSE is -316 mV @ 25ºC, together with estimates of temperature coefficients (CSE is 0.9 mV/ºC). Both these values are approximations, are given without any uncertainty estimate nor an idea of the spread of the original experimental data.

Do you know of research work for the characterization of temperature behavior of such electrodes?

Thank you, cheers

(Note: edited the former 0.5mV to 0.9, using ºC and not ºF)

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