05 May 2015 12 6K Report

I am using (TD)CAM-B3LYP/6-31G* coupled to the SMD solvation model to calculate the energy of excited states with partial or complete charge transfer character in a system of almost 100 atoms (mainly carbon atoms). I use the externaliteration keyword as implemented in Gaussian09; therefore I am using the State-Specific approach.

The system I study is a dye-sensitized solar cell; therefore it can be divided into a donor and an acceptor fragment. The orbital HOMO is fully located at the donor, and many other HOMO's and LUMO's are localed at the acceptor fragment. As a result an excitation HOMO -> LUMO turns out to lead to an intramolecular charge transfer state. Here some results:

Excitation HOMO -> LUMO

gas-phase = 3.47 eV and 48.1 debye

nonequilbrium solvation = 1.04 eV and 53.5 debye

equilibrium solvation = -0.97 eV and 56.5 debye

So, despite the increasing of the dipole moment is reasonable the excitation energy is strongly understimated, it is even below the ground state; how come?

Any help or info would be well appreacitated,

Kindest regards,

Juan Pablo

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