Survey: So far I have 21 people from all my site outreach. Please share or send to friends/co workers. I am a 5th way to my minimum goal! Survey:

Discussion: It has been interesting to see the results thus far. Based on what I learn, I will compare to research that has similar factors to what I am asking. Surprisingly, I have only found 1 research document thus far discussing and analyzing floor plans with human users. All other research has been about the amount of time spent indoors verses outdoors. 

It is strange to me that more relative information is not available or easy to find. We research where we spend our time and how we can "fix" it with cool gadgets, green spaces, or other tools from various disciplines to make ourselves healthier and yet little can be found (thus far) on what the issues are within our built environment.

To me this communicates "we know that we are spending more of our time indoors and that has adverse effects on our health but we don't know about the built environment itself." What is considered indoors? If you have a roof over your head and no walls, are you outside? If you have glass walls are you inside? Is the indoors in the built environment actually a problem? If it is, what is it about human users that makes the indoors so horrible to our health?

I am aware of pollutants, HVAC systems, and VOCs. I am asking about the actual design of the built environment. In some cases, pollutants, HVAC, and VOC's are just as likely to affect you indoors as outdoors so what is the solution if we are spending our time indoors? If outdoors is necessary then what is a probable solution?

Does anyone have resources on this?

Will you take this survey and discuss it? (Attempt 2 with drastically improved survey) - ResearchGate. Available from: [accessed Feb 8, 2017].


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