I have been working on a project based on aging and hipocampal changes. I would like to perform immunofluorescence and I have the problem lupofucsin autofluorescence in aged brains. Thus I need a Sudan black protocol for quenching autofluorescence.
Dear Gustavo - your request honestly I answer as a first aid:
Have you used the (full text) SEARCH function in ResGate's archives of Publications, Researchers, Q/A and Projects already ?
If not, I recommend you to find the search field (THIS PAGE you are working right now, rectangle in the middle of upper menue line :
"Search for researchers, publications, and more"),
insert your keyword(s), or even phrases, then click the loupe icon. wait a second and retrieve information, choosing either 'Researcher', or 'Publications', or 'Projects' or 'Questions/Answers' ....
I think especially for a / the search phrase / key words :