What are some positive metrics or indicators for mental challenge? Or for learning new things? Surveys about skills or education, etc.? What surveys measure use of the mind or mind use patterns?
The brain does many things other than solve sudokus: breathing, keeping balance, seeing the difference between a 2 degree and 3 degree slope line, and so on. However, even if I interpret the question as asking about "mental effort", there's a problem: wouldn
t you say that if someone has high skills/education/"mental ability", they should require less mental effort to solve problems than someone who has low skills?
Anyway, that's a question for you to ponder over. Some areas you may look into:
Mental challenge: search for "cognitive load"
Ability to learn new things: search for "fluid intelligence"
Surveys about education: just ask about their education? Add GPA indicators and highest level completed.
Surveys about skills: search for aptitude tests. The SAT used to be one.
I am interested in examining a very large range of subjective surveys that report to have any connection to mental skills. I am thinking perhaps meta-cognitive metrics, surveys about learning new things, and practicing old skills, soft skills- I am interested in metrics that change on any given day- Metrics that try to record a moment in time. I would like to look at as many as possible: I want a multidisciplinary approach that is looking at all possible subjective measurements of mental effort.