I am still lacking informants from the working class, especially in Devon (I'm researching rhoticity in the South-West). Would anybody have suggestions on how to recruit them to sociolinguistic interviews (e.g in Exeter)?
Posting advertisements in the university info sharing pages would definitely get you the attention that you require for this matter. If your target demographic for this project is students, perhaps offering a small monetary compensation would increase your chances.
Likewise, if you are targeting older generations, (eg. Baby Boomers,Generation X) then perhaps placing advertisements at bus stops and grocery markets will get you your required quota of interviewees.
However, as Exeter has its own quirks like any other city, you should conduct your own research on as to which avenues are the best paths for you to follow when conducting your research.
Thanks, Matthew and Yang. I have to record a few more people but things are going in the right direction now. It seemed that it is much easier to ask for an interview in shops, garages etc. when there are fewer people visiting (usually between 10:00–11:00 in the morning). I need a few young people from the working-class and I should be fine. It also seems that people are happier when the weather is nicer ;)
(more results soon on the projects website: https://www.researchgate.net/project/Loss-of-Rhoticity-in-the-South-West-of-England)