Dear all:

Does anyone know about this subject ? :

I am reading a couple of scientific papers where it says that the Heat Equation (also sometimes called the Fourier Equation):

part.derivative(T)/part.derivative(t) - (alpha)*Nabla^2(T) = 0

(I'm sorry for the tipying of this equation, I do not know how to edit (or whether is possible) equations inside this text...

cannot be reconciliated with the frame of Special Relativity, and the main cause fot this is that in this equation there is no term or definition for the speed of Heat, hence Heat propagates at an infinite speed (as an instantaneous action at a distance) between or within bodies.

So this is why the (Parabolic) Heat Equation cannot be the complete description for flow of Heat.

Also, it is explained that a more convenient equation describing the flow of heat should be one in the form of a Hyperbolic equation named the HHC (Hyperbolic Heat Conduction Eq.) instead of the common one already mentioned above; parabolic type.

This no-common equation also carries its problems and there is another modified form of this equation too.

But the main point is that with a hyperbolic form you can assign a propagation speed to Heat, which is called the "Second Sound Speed"

Another not straightforward concept mentioned in this article is that the speed of sound and this "new" speed of heat could be different in the most of the general cases. Could it be?, this is related with phonon transport in solids and with the different modes of the lattice vibrations (phonons) could be present in a solid

One more interesting thing.

Or I should say an unavoidable conclusion with this conceptual frame is that Heat in its most fundamental approach would be a wave too (as light or sound waves) that means we could assosiate a field to heat as the electromagnetic (for the foton) or the pressure field in air, a continuous (scalar, maybe) field.

Does this mean that we could apply the Lagrangian and other concepts of the matemathical frame of Field theory to Heat?

Does anyone know more or have more idea about this description ?

What others out there think about it ?

Hope we can get some ideas discussed, or at least a little.

Kind Regards !

Uriel, :)

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