Apart from C4 and its allied benefits (higher WUE, etc.,) what mechanism does Weeds possess to withstand the changing climate and wide range of weather elements...
Plants have many ways to withstand stress; (i) genetic adaptations for extreme drought (absense of leaves, a small number of stomata, the epidermis covered with serum, such as cactus). Its is posible to find similar ways to withstand stress conditions in other vascular plants. (ii) Enviromental a adaptations such as smaller leaves, a rapid flowering and seeding thus shortening the growing period and reduced growth and productivity. Also its posible to see changes in colour thus reducing the albedo. There is a very good review in : Responses of plantas to environmental stresses. J.Levitt (1980) Academic Press
There are several strategies, like distribution ability, propagation ability, dormancy keeping, viability keeping, botanical modifications and several others ...
The major mechanism is like Mohunnad Massimi replied seed dormancy which allows germination to occur at a dispersed chronology which assures some will find a favorable environment. Secondly the ability to cross pollinate and generate recombined genotypes is very important for weed survival. A major strategy of weeds appears to become so like the crop plant that they can go undetected and not easily separated and can flourish alongside the crop plants themselves.
Your question is very broad. Whether it is C3 or C4, weeds are adjustable to all environments. Even Parthenium spp. has a C3-C4 intermediate mechanism too (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1054379/pdf/plntphys00621-0118.pdf) They have very strong root system to extract water from various depths and several multiple mechanisms to withstand the climate change effects.