Leake, D. W., Burgstahler, S., & Izzo, M. (2011). Promoting transition success for culturally and linguistically diverse students with disabilities: The value of mentoring. Creative Education, 2(2), 121-129.
Neglect of Social Issues in Research on Postsecondary Students with Disabilities, Part 1: Comparison of Disability versus Higher Education Journals - David Leake 2013
It is hard to tell from the wording of the original question what you are really "very interested" in knowing. There are many different types of disabilities, physical, mental, and emotional. Some have no effect on ability to learn; others can have a profound effect. As illustrated by the information others have already provided, there are lots of potentially relevant sources of information, depending on your area of interest. Did you start by searching the web in relation to your particular area of interest? I would urge you to do so and then, if you still need input from others, consider reframing the question so that it is focused.
Here is another report - a bit dated but with some relevant information:
Buys, N.J., Kendall, E., & Ramsden, J. (1999). Vocational education and training for people with disabilities. Kensington Park, S.A.: NCVER. ISBN 0-87397-5-8 6.