Can anyone recommend any software (prefereably available free of charge!) in which one can enter an individual's age, height, sex and ethnic origin along with raw basic lung function data (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC ratio and PEFR) and get these results presented as per centages of predicted values for age, height, sex, etc?

The reason I ask is thatb I am hoping to embark on some research in which I will be bringing in lung FT results from several different sources, and they may not all have percentage predicted values.

Finally, is it also possible to incorporate the year in which the test was acarried out, since the data that I anticipate gathering will have accrued over a period of 35 or more years, and I would ot be surprised if the values of lung function tests had not changed somewhat during this time.

Thanking you in advance,


Chris Ide

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