I am Dr. K. Ruckmani, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India. DST sponsored National Facility for Drug Development (NFDD) for Academia, Pharmaceutical and Allied Industries has been established at our department, for which I am the Principal Investigator. NFDD is functioning with a mission to encourage drug discovery and development research at an advanced level. NFDD is being established with a vision of drug development, animal model development for drugs and chemicals of herbal as well as synthetic origin which makes a unique contribution to the global stream. This is also extended to the level of excellence in the areas of research by making collaborations with international research organisations and universities. We have requisite infrastructural facilities and well-established laboratories with sophisticated equipment like LC-MS/MS, H(U)PLC, UV Visible Spectrophotometer, Multimode micro plate reader, Inverted Fluorescent Microscope, Airway Mechanics Analyser (Inhalation Exposure with Whole Body Plethysmograph & Double chamber Plethysmograph), Nano particle and Zeta potential analyser. There is also an established cell culture and molecular biology laboratory, and we predominantly focuse on Pulmonary Research and Nanotoxicology. Since there is an Indo-Austrian Joint Research Collaboration call for, I would like to know whether researcher in the field of nanotoxicology/ drug delivery from Austria could join with me for this grant. This is a programme for Scientific and Technological Co-operation between India and Austria supported by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) on the Austrian side and the Department of Science & Technology (DST) of the Ministry of Science & Technology on the Indian side. This grant covers the funding for exchange visits between India and Austria. I herewith have attached the detailed call for notification and the proposal format in which we are supposed to send a joint application. Kindly reply at the earliest as the deadline closes shortly.