A male Siberian Tiger confronts a male Grizzly Bear in the Roman Arena. Neither animal can escape but they have the full area of the arena. Who wins the contest? If they fought ten times what would be the win-loss ratio? AnimalsGrizzly BearSiberian TigerKingdomAnimaliaAnimaliaFamilyUrsidaeFelidaeGenusUrsusPantheraOrderCarnivoraCarnivoraSpeciesU.arctos ssp.P.tigrisAverage Head &  Body Length7 ft 8 inch7 ft 4 inchShoulder Height4 ft 1 inch3 ft 3 inchAverage Weight340 kg305 kgAreaUSA and CanadaRussiaForce4 (very good)5 (excellent)Technique5 (excellent)5 (excellent)Stamina5 (excellent)4 (very good)Intelligent4 (very good)5 (excellent)StatusEndangeredEndangeredAverage Life Span25 year18 years

Winning facts for both Grizzly Bear and Siberian Tiger:

Siberian Tiger is far better hunter than North American grizzly bear.

Both grizzly bear and Siberian tiger paw swipes are equally powerful but tiger is more technical than grizzly.

Siberian tiger canine teeth are longer and thicker than grizzly bear.

Grizzly bear is slightly heavier, longer and taller than Siberian tiger.

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