04 May 2020 14 7K Report

Governments around the world insist that some form of ”lockdowns” (universal suspension of the freedom of movement and assembly) are necessary until a cure or a vaccine for Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) will be available, in order to save lives. Applying the same logic,

  • should we ban driving until we can guarantee that lethal car accidents won‘t happen? 1.35 million people die in road accidents per year globally https://www.asirt.org/safe-travel/road-safety-facts/
  • should we ban swimming in the ocean, lakes and rivers until we can guarantee that nobody will ever drown? 1.2 million die every year by drowning https://www.ilsf.org/drowning-facts-and-figures/
  • should we ban fast-food because it is known to contribute to heart disease which kills 17.9 million people per year? https://www.who.int/health-topics/cardiovascular-diseases/
  • should we ban every human activity where the risk of death cannot be eliminated? Or should we accept the risk of death in order to engage in activities that make human life worth living?

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