Experimental results are very important for validating a shear model. In many papers, results of shear tests are often presented with reduced information, for example, only reinforcement ratio is given and the diameter of reinforcing bar is missing. Detailed information regarding experimental work may be very useful for researchers, who have different ideas or approaches from existing shear models and the detailed experimental results can also support for the new models taking into account the influencing parameters in more details.
I create a shear database for reinforced concrete members with and without shear reinforcement with collection of following information (as much as possible):
- Concrete type: such as normal concrete (NC), ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC), low strength concrete, pore concrete, reclycled concrete,...
- Concrete properties: fc, fct, Ec, GF, ag. Also information about the sample size for concrete strength test (e.g. cylinder/cubic sample size), the scatter of concrete properties (not only the mean values but also the variation coefficient), creep/shrinkage coefficient,
- Reinforcement properties: E, fi (diameter of reinforcing bar), reinforcement ratio (also in compression zone)
- Geometries (a, b, d, h, c)
- Load type, load distribution (concentrated load, distributed load, pretension/prestressing load).
- Crack spacing (sr)
- Failure position
- Shear strength (by big development of deformation - normally related to Vcr, and by maximal load)
I would be very happy if you know the literatures (paper, dissertation thesis) and share me the research results regarding experimental works to extend the shear database, which will be published somehow. At the moment I have following numbers of sample in some groups with relative detailed information of tests:
- recycled aggregate concrete: 131
- lightweight aggregate concrete: 49
- normal concrete + prestressed load: 113
- steel fibre-reinforced concrete: 60
- normal concrete + FRP reinforcement: 207
- distributed load + normal concrete: 16
- distributed load + normal concrete + prestressed load: 12
Thank you for your help and collaboration!
Best regards,
Ngoc Linh Tran