Seems to me someone has complicated something in the interest of adding logical simplicity. So simply logical to force the semantics of a question with a 150 character reminder. So simply logical to violate the logic of the first by permitting (unlimited?) amplification. Charlie Rose would love this, but as a philosopher I question the logic as well as the wisdom. And while 'asking' seems logically distinct from 'sharing' (at first glance...) who can fail to note on further inspection that asking and sharing maintain considerable overlap? Oh, but the amplification took care of that, right. Then why the distinction between 'asking' and 'sharing'? Oh, that...But sharing, it will be argued, means contributing rather than 'asking'. But what, then, if contributing means contributing your argument re a topic or question, whereas 'sharing' suggests 'sharing' a link or file or video? Oh, but now it is I who complicates, yes, I see it all now so clearly!

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