We want some reports regarding urease enzyme activity in paddy soil at different growth stages like tillering, PI, flowering, maturity etc. where neem coated urea was used as N source in alluvial soil.
You may refer the following research articles 1) agronomic Benefits of neem coated urea - Review - Technical report October, 2016 by Bijay singh; 2) Slow release urea fertilizer composition and a process of preparation - A US patent research paper US 6336949 B1 ; 3) Patra, D.D., K. Usha, and P. Preeti. 2006. Urease and
nitrification retardation properties in natural essential oils and their by- products. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 37: 1663–1673. 4) Majumdar, D. 2002. Suppression of nitrification and N2O emission by karanjin- a nitrification inhibitors prepared
from karanjin (Pongamia glabra Vent.). Chemosphere 47: 845–850; and 5) Subba rao et.al., (2006) Scope and strategies for regulation of nitrification in agricultural systems – Challenges and opportunities. Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 25:1–33