hi, do you all have the scoring for Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) and the full scale of public figure preoccupation inventory with scoring. thank you
Here is a copy of the PANAS-X and a copy of the PANAS-X Manual. This may not be the version you meant to use, but it's the one I have.
I was not familiar with the Pathological Public Figures Preoccupation Inventory, but I found the source article, and it appears to include the text of all 40 items as well as some indication of which ones are scored on which of the four subscales. (I'm attaching it. Read it carefully and look at the factor analysis results.) However, on a quick reading I had some questions about the items that finally ended up on each scale. If you have the same trouble, you should contact the lead author: Lorraine Sheridan. I believe she is now with Curtin University in Australia and can be reached at [email protected]