Gravity has been suggested to be a force by convention, real but not fundamental, although this has not been established in peer review publications (or has been atemptented and rejected) . Many arguments towards this exist and the idea invalidates many paradoxes (Afxentiou, 22).

Serious objections remain such as the role of gravity in evolution of universe (evolution from plasma to clusters is explained by gravity), for which evidence has been found (opaque spectrum of far universe etc).

Holographic principle assumes that fundamental reality and all its information is in 2D and project Ed to 3D, might be an expression of this force by convention nature of gravity.

The reason is that in a Holographic projection of "real" 2D to 3D, gravity, the dominant force, needs not be anything more than an effective force, since a hiligram works just in information or digital physics, not fundamentally real actions.

Conventional forces have been established as effective, in a way that has analoque to the resultant force concept in CM is effective (Afxentiou, '22)

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