I'd like to discuss the question of the Role of Digital Shadows and Digital Triggers in the Digital Twin Concept. I think both terms play an important rule but they are not exactly defined til now.

You can see my point of view about in an attached poster for an order-oriented Digital Control Twin.

The Digital Shadow (DS) is only a Snapshot of a real object at a certain time, a certain location and for a certain 'cutout' that represents the actual state but not the entire object itself. To interpretate the DS it is very important therefor to define the exact time, location and cutout of the DS. and to store this data.

The Digital Trigger (DT) is only an impuls of the virtual twin at a certain time, location etc., to 'influence' the real twin but it is not the entire virtual twin itself.

The virtual and real twin are connected by a certain kind of regulator to detect and evaluate deviations of DS and DT and to harmonize them. The kind of regulation can be very different and depends on the object itself, the environment and the purpose.

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