This era is totally driven by information technology and lots of IT tools are developed day by day. Among that application of AI in agriculture sector has great scope. Kindly share your views. Regards
I work on AI in medicine so I am not knowledgeable about this. However I run a project called which is about sharing knowledge of models of best practice which has been highly successful and we are now working with Oxford University to take this forward at scale. I think the model is potentially applicable to other domains such as agriculture and food production. All responses of great interest. Please take a look at the web site.
Eugene Veniaminovich Lutsenko Sohel Rana John P Fox Mohammed Elmogy Salah Uddin Thank you sir for participating in the discussion. Your valuable word highly appreciated
AI techniques are used in crop management processes, following with farming conditions management and livestock management. In farming, they are used to predict yield and quality of crops as well as livestock production.
If Artificial Intelligence Technique models are properly modeled and trained, they can be effectively and successfully applied to the identification of the plants even if there are defected and diseased samples. Article A study on visual features of leaves in plant identification...
Artificial intelligence has a significant role to play in precision agriculture to realize specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound (SMART) goal.