Just to add to Ian Kennedy, this could also be a case that the mentioned members may have got these citations before, but they just joined ResearchGate recently. Therefore, their reads are less than the number of ciations to their articles. Thanks.
You have spotted a problem. Possible explanations are
1. There exist citation syndicates;
2. A paper may be cited in two places in RG;
3. RG counts funny;
4. The papers were downloaded from sources outside RG's knowledge such as Google Scholar, Academia.edu, arxiv etc.
I suggest that you send RGMail to Member 1 and Member 2, to see if they can offer any logical explanation, and help you to spot the factors common to the 2 members. Report your results to us here and ResearchGate.
Just to add to Ian Kennedy, this could also be a case that the mentioned members may have got these citations before, but they just joined ResearchGate recently. Therefore, their reads are less than the number of ciations to their articles. Thanks.
As previous fellows said. In addition, the cited readers may read the papers from other sources ( e.g., journal web cites, personal communication) and therefore, not necessary to be counted in RG as a read but count as cited.
Asking a question from everyone who wrote before me: How come that I have more citations on Googlescholar even though all the people who cited me are also on Researchgate? Why cannot Researchgate find those citations?
From my experience, I can tell you that ResearchGate wouldn't find the citations if the citing articles do not have full text (public or private) available. In some cases. even the full text is available, RG sometimes fails to find some citations, it is a limitation.