Regarding your question for retention time of gaseous Cl2, I think, without complete kinetic details, rate expression and other mass transfer and heat transfer resistance (if any) it will be difficult to predict. Even if someone predict based on the experience for the similar system, may not be completely true as hydrodynamics may differ widely which can change the resistance. However you can predict with some accuracy if you know rate of reaction. Using rate of reaction, you can predict rate of consumption of chlorine and decide the retention time after consideration of some mass transfer resistance. I may appreciate if some one add to this.
i am using rotary kiln of 8' periphery at rotation speed of 10 rpm. CaCO3 is fed at 1000 kg/hr.
9000 m3/hr flue gas at 550 is mixed with 710kg/hr at STP making mixture temp of 510 degrees.
This gas mixture is reacted with above solid charge so that whole CaCO3 is converted leaving around 1-5 kg/hr Cl2 in the outlet gases.Gases leave kiln at 300 degree much above temp of mono hydrate of CaCl2. kiln shell loss is less than 5000 kcal/hr. Please specify in case u need more details.