Kindly help me by participating in the research study on the perceptions of online degrees in Technology Services Industry in India during hiring or promotion decisions.
This study can benefit people who are considering a terminal degree for the purpose of obtaining an employment or advancing their career. By knowing the current perceptions of recruiters, future candidates can make more informed decisions about the method of degree completion. The study will also be able to help universities decided whether a program should be offered residentially, blended, or completely online. Studies have been completed on the acceptability of online degrees for employment in various industries but there has been little research on the topic in the technology industry.
Completion of this survey will take approximately 10 minutes of your time.
If you choose to participate in this study, please answer all questions as honestly as possible and complete the survey by March 31, 2022. Your answers will be completely confidential, participation is strictly voluntary, and you may refuse to participate at any time. By answering the survey, you are providing consent and are agreeing to participate in this study.
Thank you for taking the time to assist me in my educational endeavors. If you have any questions regarding the administration of the survey, please contact me at [email protected] or [email protected].