I need help interpreting a mixed effects model analysis of repeated measures RCT data. I am new to using mixed effects models. I am trying to predict growth trajectories differences (of days of opioid use) between Experimental & control group as well as experimental group's interaction with gender.
Here is how I entered my variables:
DV: opioid use
Factors: experimental group & gender
Covariates: Time
I entered Fixed effects terms as:
Time*Experimental group
Time*Experimental group*Gender
The overall test of fixed effects showed that the interaction between Time*Experimental group*Gender was significant (p = .02).
But when I looked at the estimates of the fixed effects for this interaction I am not sure what the proper interpretation is. The hypothesis is that Experimental condition will have more of a decrease in drug use over time than control. Here are the results I got:
control and female were the reference groups
Intercept: est. = 1.87, p = .000
Time: est. = -.32, p = .05
Time*Control*Female: est. = -.40, p = .04
Time*Control*Male: est. = 0 (says its redundant), p = NA
Time*Exp.*Female: est. = .38, p = .06
Time*Exp.*Male: est. = 0 (says its redundant), p = NA
Is the estimate indicating growth rate just assessing absolute value of the slope or only increasing positive slope? Since time has a negative estimate does this change the interpretation of the interactions? Is the p-value compared to the other 3 groups in the interaction or just gender within the experimental/control?
Thanks for any help!