Dear All,
I have a similar question on relaxation after dynamic run for few time steps. I am twisting a beam for some time steps and relaxing the system to settle using Minimization command (I am using LAMMPs).Using the following commands of LAMMPs in a loop:
variable i loop (Loop starts)
run 1000 (dynamic run)
min_style cg
minimize 1.0e-4 1.0e-6 1000 1000 (relaxation run)
next i (loop ends)
The system is under NVT ensemble with non-periodic BCs. If I do minimization for longer time the system returns to the original configuration and the net twist is zero. If I adjust the parameters of minimization command, the system deforms well, but the results do not match with literature (I mean I get higher regime of elastic deformation).
Can anyone give some input on this or suggest an alternative to relax the system after dynamic run.
Thanks a Lot...I really appreciate your help ..!