The world around falls down so quickly, that I am not sure about next day, so let me rush into talk with you.

The definition of Nature: it is what the Standard Instruments do measure, and Instruments are what measures the Nature. Because the micro-world can be strongly influenced by measurements, and the Instruments are in definition of micro-world, then we must have the Quantum Mechanics as the intimate relation between Nature and its Measurer. For a molekule (e.g., fuloren C60 behaves quantum-ly in double slit ex) can be written Schrödinger equation. In Quantum Mechanics there are no trajectories, however this absence of kinetics does not mess up the inner structure of molekule. Thus, we can switch off (in our mind) the QM and think of the structure of the molekule as if it would lay motion-less on our table. Therefore, we can use the Standard Instruments in QM. But what was the problem? The problem was following notice:

1. Christian has written [1], that Metrology Standard Instruments (like thermometer, meter, clock, ampermeter, etc), are the invariants. They are not allowed to change in time and place, and scale.

2. The laws of macro-world and the laws of micro-world are different [2, 3]. 3. Let us reduce the size of Instruments until they reach the micro-level. 4. Micro-standards enter area of alien, different laws. 5. Then, the reduction of size changes the Standards. But standards are not allowed to change (by point 1).

6.Conclusion: Quantum Physics is not Physical. I would point your mind to the serious theoretical problems: the Quantum Field Theory still is not completely renormalized. For example, QFT predicts huge Cosmological Constant, but it is measured small.

7.Solution: let the micro-standards do not behave quantum-mechanically.


[1] Quote: “measurement standard is that it must be realized and may not change with time” arXiv:1409.5338, Christian Baumgarten (2017) Minkowski Spacetime and QED from Ontology of Time. Quantum Structural Studies: pp. 225-331.

[2] Analysis is in , with rejection of Bohm's Pilot Wave interpretation of Quantum Mechanics in the paper: Journal of Modern Physics, year 2016, volume 7, pages 1091-1097.

[3] What does it all mean? What violated is scale-invariance. Indeed, by transforming the metric x -> q x, t -> q t, with changing according parameters (mass, charge, etc) we would reduce the size of macro-system, but its processes will not change: “Men In Black [1997] Orion's Belt” However, is known, that in micro-world the laws are different, and, thus, the scale invariance is violated.

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