I worked on my thesis in the last six months, and it was about CrossFit protocols and their effects on some muscle damage indicators along with carbohydrate-protein supplementation, such as CK, Mb, DOMS, and cortisol, but when I wanted to choose the appropriate protocols for my project, I observed numerous protocols that some authors had used in their paper. Some of them have the official names that Crossfit.com published them, such as CINDY, FGB, etc., Some of them are the workout of the days (WODs), and some papers used desired protocols that they do not have any references.

In conclusion, I completed my project with two official CrossFit protocols, FGB and CINDY, but I believe that future researchers who want to work on CrossFit in their project might encounter some problems. I have started this discussion to use your experience if you have worked on the same field and area and have the same difficulties in identifying protocols with possible references.

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