01 January 1970 1 3K Report

Are you a University teacher using English as a Method of Instruction (EMI) in subjects like biology, physics, economics, law, engineering or any other field? Your expertise is invaluable, and we'd love to hear from you!

As part of ongoing research, we're conducting a survey to gather insights from educators like you on the challenges, strategies, and best practices in teaching your subject area in English. Your input will help us better understand the needs of teachers in diverse fields and contribute to the enhancement of English-medium instruction.

If you're interested in sharing your experiences and insights, please consider taking a few moments to complete our questionnaire. Your participation will be highly appreciated and will make a significant contribution to our research efforts.

🔗 https://forms.gle/MsHrKD26hZS2ucc38

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like more information about the survey. Thank you in advance for your valuable contribution!

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