Hi, I am currently trying to pull a box in X-direction with these settings in my mdp file of gromacs.

tcoupl = v-rescale

tc-grps = System

tau_t = 1.0

ref_t = 310

Pcoupl = parrinello-rahman

Pcoupltype = semiisotropic

tau_p = 12.0

compressibility = 0 3e-4

ref_p = 1 1

gen_vel = no

gen_temp = 310

gen_seed = 473529

; options for deform

deform = 3e-7 0 0 0 0 0

refcoord_scaling = com

Are these settings fine if I want to pull the box in X-direction with this deform rate of 3e-7 nm/ps? Also, since my molecule rotates/translates a lot, do I need to fix my molecule and pull it? Or, it’s fine to pull the box even if the molecule is performing these motions. Finally, if I want to pull the molecule in x-direction, is it necessary to have this molecule aligned at this particular direction at first, and have the box created with x and y length equal to the respective x and y length of the molecule so that the molecule just fits inside the box. BTW - I am doing a CG MD simulation. Thanks

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