Purpose: Identify stressful areas in parent-adolescent interactions in parents of adolescents ages 11-19 years
Age: 11 through to 19 yrs
Time: 20 minutes to administer; 10 minutes to score
Admin: Individual
The SIPA is a screening and diagnostic instrument that identifies areas of stress in parent-adolescent interactions and is appropriate for parents of adolescents ages 11-19 years. This upward extension of the popular Parenting Stress Index (PSI) for parents of children ages 1 month to 12 years allows a clinician or researcher to examine the relationship of parenting stress to adolescent characteristics, parent characteristics, the quality of the adolescent-parent interactions, and stressful life circumstances.
Four subscales measure adolescent characteristics:
•Moodiness/Emotional Lability
•Social Isolation/Withdrawal
•Failure to Achieve or Persevere
Four subscales measure parent characteristics:
•Life Restrictions
•Relationship with Spouse/Partner
•Social Alienation
The SIPA is useful for family counseling, forensic evaluations for adolescent custody, identification of dysfunctional parent-adolescent systems, prevention programs designed to reduce parental stress, and intervention and treatment planning in high stress areas. The SIPA was developed from a normative sample consisting of 778 parents of adolescents from the general population and a clinical sample of 159 parents of adolescents who had received a DSM-IV™ diagnosis, usually in the cluster of disruptive behavior disorders.
The SIPA is highly reliable. Internal consistency for the SIPA subscales exceeds .80 with the majority in the high .80s-.90. The alpha coefficients for the three SIPA domains (adolescent, parent, adolescent-parent relationship), and the Index of Total Parenting Stress exceed .90. The 4-week test-retest reliability coefficients for the subscales range from .74 to .91, suggesting that responses to SIPA responses remain stable over a period of time. Confidence intervals are provided in the SIPA Professional Manual.