We have always thought of broader research and joining hands in research and analysis of electronics and computer science. As a computer science expert you may be a seasoned programmer and a thinker. I would like to introduce the different domains where electronics and computer science can merge and play a role

Applied Electromagnetics & RF Circuits: Applied electromagnetics (EM) plays an essential role in areas such as wireless technologies, the environment, life sciences, transportation, and more. Faculty and students perform research in all aspects of applied EM, including Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Circuits, MEMS Circuits, Antennas, Wave Propagation Studies for Wireless Applications, Scattering, Computational Electromagnetics, Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing, Plasma Electrodynamics, and EM Metamaterials.

Computer Vision: Research goals include: i) the semantic understanding of materials, objects, and actions within a scene; ii) modeling the spatial organization and layout of the scene and its behavior in time. The algorithms developed in this area of research enable the design of machines that can perform real-world visual tasks such as autonomous navigation, visual surveillance, or content-based image and video indexing.

Control Systems: The development of sophisticated computer aided design software has enabled analysis and controller design for complex multivariable systems. The needs of society for improved transportation safety and a cleaner environment have posed challenges that can only be solved with feedback control.

Embedded Systems: Designing embedded systems is a huge challenge because they have so many requirements: they often need to be tiny, high-performance, inexpensive, reliable, and last a long time on poor power sources, all while sensing and influencing their surroundings. Faculty and students are applying their skills to the entire “stack,” from transistors and circuits to operating systems and applications.

ECE Education Research: ECE Education Research is a rigorous, interdisciplinary field in which scholars focus on and apply research methods from education, learning sciences, and social-behavioral sciences to address a variety of issues pertaining to: teaching and learning; college access and persistence; workforce development; and other issues critical to the success of the field of engineering. Scholars in the subfield of ECE Education Research focus on issues pertinent to the discipline of electrical and computer engineering.

Integrated Circuits and VLSI: Research in Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) digital circuits includes microprocessor and mixed signal (microcontroller) circuits, with emphasis on low-power and high-performance; computer-aided design, including logic synthesis, physical design, and design verification; testing and design for testability; advanced logic families and packaging; integrated circuit micro-architectures; and system integration. 

MEMS and Microsystems: Devices such as micromachined neural probes for implantable prostheses, ultra-miniature low-power pressure sensors for catheters, tactile sensors arrays for fingerprint analysis, infra-red imagers for manufacturing process control, and micro gas chromatography systems for environmental monitoring are some of the past contributions of this program.

Network, Communication & Information Systems (NCIS): Communication networks are collections of receiving and transmitting stations that may relay information from one station to another by means of other stations acting as relays. There are many components in the process of transmitting information in a communication system. One component is information representation in minimal form, that is data compression. A second aspect of communication is modulation; the process whereby information is mapped into waveforms suitable for propagation. A third aspect is error control coding; the method by which errors made in receiving information can be corrected. The performance of a communication system is usually measured in terms of the probability of incorrectly decoding the information or the distortion between the original information-bearing signal and the reconstruction, and the energy used.

Optics & Photonics: Specific areas presently under investigation include nonlinear optics, optical MEMS (coupling optical fields to mechanical motion), ultrafast optics, semiconductor quantum optoelectronics, Terahertz generation and applications, fiber and integrated photonics and lasers, high-power fiber lasers, x-ray and EUV generation, quantum optics and quantum computing, optical microcavities, nanophotonics, spectroscopy of single quantum dots, biophotonics, and biophysical studies of biomolecular structure. 

Plasma Science & Engineering: PSE has incredibly broad and strategic impact on national and economic security, and providing societal benefit. Modern microelectronic devices could not be fabricated in the absence of plasma etching, deposition and cleaning processes. Thin film solar cell technologies depend upon plasma deposition to be economically viable. Fabrication of biotechnology devices depends on plasma processes to harden artificial joints and prepare biocompatible surfaces on tissue scaffolding. Interplanetary probes are powered by plasma thrusters.

Power and Energy: Faculty are investigating energy conversion systems where enhanced performance of electrical machines and power electronics is being exploited to develop a variety of novel applications, from automotive propulsion systems to wind generators. Power systems research is seeking new tools and techniques for improving grid efficiency and robustness.

Quantum Science & Technology: Quantum mechanics has played an important role in many areas of engineering for decades now, fueling an increasing number of fundamental breakthroughs, as available devices become smaller and individual particles can be precisely controlled in the lab. Newly observed phenomena are often best explained using quantum theory, facilitating new technologies and applications. In particular, accounting for quantized energy levels and the Fermi nature of electrons in semiconductors has lead to more accurate modeling and optimization of CMOS transistors, as well as new results on capacitively-coupled quantum dots.

Robotics & Autonomous Systems: We also use artificial intelligence techniques for dealing with planning and uncertainty, localization and mapping, sensor processing and classification, and continuous learning.

Signal & Image Processing and Machine Learning: Signal processing is a broad engineering discipline that is concerned with extracting, manipulating, and storing information embedded in complex signals and images. Methods of signal processing include: data compression; analog-to-digital conversion; signal and image reconstruction/restoration; adaptive filtering; distributed sensing and processing; and automated pattern analysis.

Solid-State Devices and Nanotechnology: Research in organic and molecular electronics includes organic field-effect transistors, integrated circuits and light-emitting devices on glass and plastic substrates, hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin-film transistors and active-matrix arrays on glass and plastic substrates for flat panel displays and sensors, and active-matrix organic light-emitting display technology. 

What are the other areas where there can be similar synergy and let us discuss further

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