Which software, in your opinion, is the most suitable for carrying out a LCA product? and why?
This is a vital question for future materials. Neither the current standards nor the development of artificial intelligence A I will meet the needs. The former are obtained by following empirical protocols and truncate the measurements to be made. A.I. requires algorithms that do not exist because the damage models are notoriously insufficient or outright irrelevant. A long work proposes a theoretical and experimental solution that will help the development of A I. Theoretically, it consists in establishing an equation of state that applies to all materials and to all the phenomena that characterize them. This equation includes all the factors that are to be measured. The measurements are made with simple means easy to implement. To facilitate the dissemination of these results, they are grouped in a 250-page book, an unpublished publication on the equation of state, an invited article to be published in Journ.Appl.Physics/PERSPECTIVE/surface cracking, and a training course in 14 videos of about 3 hours. For more information contact me at