Newly purchased Merck TLC plates Silica Gel G 60 F 254 show violet flouroscence in UV fluoroscence cabinet and I am not getting results. Any suggestions for alternatives?
Bring it to the Notice of Merck people. blank plates should not give any fluorescence. Place the blank plate in iodine chamber and see if any spots develop. If not you can use this technique to develop your plates.
A blank Silica Gel G 60 F 254 plate should indicate green fluorescence when lightened with UV 254 nm. If your blank plate is violet I'd suppose there is no fluorescence indicator in it. This can be a reason you couldn't obtain any result. As suggested above try iodine to develop the spots, and consider complaints to Merck.
Blank plates normally produce green fluorescence when place under UV. In your case, appearance of violet fluorescence may be due to impure/contaminated coating material. You may bring this to the notice of supplier and manufacturer. Try developing the plate in Iodine chamber or spraying with Sulphuric acid, LB Reagent or other detecting reagents.