09 September 2014 4 966 Report

I have done encryption of audio file using AES algorithm....the code works but it only takes first the 16 values of an audio file mean at every iteration. It will take 16 values, that means at the end I get a large number of cipher texts. For example, audio file size (8172) so , (8172/16) = 510. In the end, I get almost 510 ciphertexts. I'm confused about how to embed these ciphertexts. I have no idea what to do...it is not reading the whole file. Please help me sort out the issue...these are the changes which I have done in the demo file of AES algo.

[plaintext1,fs]= wavread('A1.wav','native');

plaintext1 = plaintext(1:16);

plaintext_hex = dec2hex( plaintext1);

plaintext = hex2dec (plaintext_hex);

p1 = [];

for i = 1;

plain = size(plaintext1/16);

i = i+1;


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