
I am trying to translate an old paper from 1955 from Russian to English. In the columns there are qualitative intensities, along with theta, hkl, 1/dobs^2 and 1/dcalc^2. I am trying to understand what the symbols in the qualitative intensities represent. I imagine they are a shorthand for weak, strong, medium, very, etc. but so far I have been unable to decipher them. For example, in English you might see vw=very weak, vs = very strong, m = medium, etc. when describing IR spectra in older literature

The symbols are:

Ya - a backwards R.;


c(El) - c(pi);

Zhe or Sha - III,


If someone could explain what words in Russian they are abbreviations for, and what they mean in English, I would be grateful.

-Cory Pye

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