10 October 2013 4 9K Report

It has been seen a long ago (http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v60/i14/p1351_1) that in a pre and post-selected ensemble, the measurement of some observable on the considered system yields exotic average value (weak value) for the observable, in weak measurement limit. Since then weak values are experimentally verified despite a debate over its physical interpretation (these isues partially addressed and solved). Also weak values are used as tools in many disciplines like resolving Hardy's paradox (important to the foundations of quantum mechanics), detecting tiny effects, measuring wavefunction of single photon directly (unlike tomography) and many more. In all these cases, though measurements were weak but the most important fact was the post-selection. Recently it is employed to the parameter estimation in metrology, where it was found that in case of pre and postselection, measurements to determine the parameter of interest leads to the increased Fisher information. The inverse of the Fisher information times the success probability is the lower bound on the variance of the error in the parameter estimation. But due to decreased probabilty of success as a consequence of postselection leads to no further tightening of the lower bound despite the increased Fisher information (http://arxiv.org/abs/1306.2409, http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.5302, ). So, overall, post-selection doesn't help here to estimate the parameter of interest more precisely than that of usual quantum mechanics without post-selection. I ask the following question: Can we know a priory the situations where the additional post-selection will lead to something useful?

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