There exists so many standard refereed journals, which hardly charges any money for publication. However, good indexing assures the credibility as well as quality of the Journals. If you are in the filed of Economics, you can search for the Journals indexed in Econ Lit , RePEc, In India, there is newly published approved list of Journals by UGC. India ( You can search this list category wise and find the details of the Journals. These journals are not predatory journals.
I find that we research in the same field. You can refer to subject discussed here. Most journals do not charge a fee, if journal charge a fee, that is specified in the author's guide (fee):
Greetings Fran, find the list of some top quality peer-review journals in the field of applied physics. They won't charge for publishing any kind of communication. In addition to these journals, Lam has also given informative input but some journals of OSA suggested by him are chargeable. So, take care while submitting your manuscript in OSA.