You can try isolation techniques from soil samples to non-selective fungal and bacterial standard media. Then you can apply morphological or molecular techniques to identify your isolates.
You can carry out community DNA extraction using any appropriate technique, sequence the extracted community DNA and then carry out the bioinformatics analyses
From the above approach, the following will be the main activities:
i. Sample collection and preparation,
ii. Metagenomic DNA extraction from environmental samples (soil);
iii. Quantification of the extracted DNA either using the Picogreen or electrophoresis on agarose gel for visible bands on the gel images to show that there are DNA fragments in the extract;
iv. DNA sequencing, and
v. Complete bioinformatics analyses.
Characterization of the microbial communities (bacteria, archaea and eukarya) diversity of the soil sample can then be done through microbiome profiling: 16S rRNA, 18S rRNA, ITS Analyze, etc.