Article Interpersonal pathoplasticity in social phobia: A clinical replication
One easily agrees that Social phobia comes in two flavors... But the 3 median cortico-subcortico-thalamo-cortical loops create a 3D space for appropriation balancing thought, action, and mood: while bipolar spectrum hyperthymics (in T-A-M) are at risk for booze and Social phobia (Jules Angst). Thus combining Txt Axa and Mxm we can transpose Leahy to dyn4TAM in the following way:
PA==>TAM (pursuit) with at one switch distance:
LM==> tAM (joy) &
NO ==>tAm (despair) &
DE ===> TaM interest
and in the lower basement:
HI ==> tam (need) with at one switch distance: FG ==> tAm (fear) &
JK ===> taM (bliss) &
BC ==> Tam (worry) &
DE ==> coldly interested TaM (interest).
Then pattern-preserving statistics should be used, i. e. cfa (=KFA!) in "R".
The study thereby would have compared the blissful-exploitable taMs with the coldly interested TaMs. In fact social phobics don't act (a) and only some think. Beyond these two more nodes remain: needy tams & worrysome Tams, pure depression, and generalized anxiety respectively (not SANX). That's for "bipolar imperialism" - or about what mast cells do to the segregatedly-dimensional appropriative loops.