Dear researchgaters,

I have a question regarding staining protocols for oxidative tissue markers via IHC (4-HNE, MDA-2, 8-0HdG etc). I have found that these markers work in cryo stored material, but I have not had any success getting them to work on paraffin material. When staining with cryo, due to the poor freezing method of the brain tissue, I often have poor quality stains, high background and poor morphology on some many aspects of  cells or tissue. As the tissue for paraffin is superb in terms of quality and structure, it would be ideal to get these markers to work on this tissue.

For cryo staining I:

Acetone fix 10 min, air dry 10 min, PBS soak 10 minutes, antibody block (10%fcs + TBS or Dako) for 1/2 h -> Primary antibody overnight at 4c.

Some protocols I have seen where people stain parrafin material they are not using a retrieve step but are using .1% triton in their blocks. I have tried this during EDTA retrieve but no luck. I have tried Citrate/EDTA retrieve, and also proteinase K. Using the EDTA/Citrate retrieve I get very beautiful staining of p22phox, iNOS, SOD2, SOD1 on the parrafin embedded tissue. Can someone please help me out here! 

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