Does anyone have a peer-reviewed reference with prevalence >10% for the bopyrid isopod Probopyrus pandalicola on the daggerblade grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio? We hear a lot of anecdotal reports of extremely high prevalence for this parasite-host pair >50%, but cannot find any comparable literature to cite. There are records of this bopyrid on other hosts, with prevalence ~18%. There are also records of related bopyrids on other hosts with much higher prevalence too, but no records that we have been able to find for the parasite-host combination that we have here in Georgia.

Prevalence here is approximately 0-6%, and we commonly field questions about the importance of an uncommon parasite on an abundant host. Many researchers have been trying to work out how this symbiotic relationship might change with higher temperatures, but it has been difficult to determine thus far because of the large spatial range of Probopyrus pandalicola and the large number of host species. Citations for high parasite prevalence in other areas would be much appreciated, and would help our research substantially.

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